Clubs in Wisconsin

I am curious if there are any clubs around Madison, Wisconsin.

There is at least 1.  Check out the PDF file here:

Hi Wilsonbt,

Yes, in fact a Madison club is going to be the organizing club for Midwest Region of the First Round of the National Homebrew Competition (NHC) in April.  They are the Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild in Madison, WI ( and they put on the Great Taste of the Midwest every August.

Check the AHA Club List ( and the AHA Club Resources club profiles ( to find clubs in your area.

    Janis Gross
    American Homebrewers Association Project Coordinator
    National Homebrew Competition Director

I belong to Menomonie Homebrewers club.
You are more them welcome to participate if you do not mind that we are 200 miles away.

Heck if the distance is up to 200 miles, we could probably through in the Chicago Beer Society.  ;D

The MHTG is the club I’m aware of in Madison, WI.