Has anyone co-pitched US-05 and S-04? I picked up a package of each while doing my domestic base malt run yesterday. I wonder if the combination would have the attenuation level of US-05 and the flocculation of S-04? I know how to keep S-04 in check, but I want a fruity beer with a dry finish and S-04 tends to poop out at 75% AA. I want 80% AA. That is not difficult with US-05.
I have never used both before at the same time. I never cared for S-04 and haven’t used it in over 10 years. I used S-05 much more, but not recently. I always got 80% or higher attenuation with 05. Not sure how it would work in tandem with O4, but sounds like an interesting experiment.
I have been using Brutzyme to lower my FG. I haven’t used it with -04 yet but I can vouch for it with Bry-97.
The MoreBeer pitch: “Amyloglucosidase, alpha amylase, and pullulanase enable the hydrolysis of starch and dextrins into fermentable sugars that yeast can ferment.”
It definitely dries the beer out. The results are crisp and clean. I am getting ~90%+AA which allows me to start lower so I get a low(er) carb beer. The Festbier I have on tap is ~8g carbs per 12 oz for a ~5% beer. My amber on deck is ~7g carbs in a 12 oz pour for a ~6% ABV beer.
For my last several batches with S-04, they have attenuated to 78-80%. This seems to be a different and much cleaner strain than it was historically. Like the manufacturer pulled some kind of switcheroo on us.
So I don’t think you’ll get much benefit from S-04 actually in a co-pitch. If anything, I find the new S-04 to be even cleaner and more lager-like than US-05, so it could be an even cleaner version of the beer than you might get from US-05 alone.
Wouldn’t we all like to know what’s going on with this yeast. All I know is, it performs differently than it did in the past. And it’s not just me; I’ve heard the same from others.
S-04 has always performed reliably for me and I haven’t noticed any change. I have always found it to be “clean” but I like to ferment it cool. For me it starts to get a bit funky at or above 67F or so.
+1. I never had an issue with -04 in my English styles. I’ve used it many times over the years and still use it. I have a Porter on tap now with -04. Very reliably consistent beers made with it over the years. I haven’t noticed any change.
…but I brew beer to drink. I don’t really analyze the beer from year to year. I can’t remember what I had for supper last night much less what the nuances of three batches of beer in the past were. I keep notes but my descriptions don’t go into that level of detail.