
I bought a coconut today to use in the batch of cider I started Sunday.

Steve, how will you handle the oils, etc in a coconut? Toast the coconut?

Last time I just tossed it in and didn’t worry about it; I’m fine with no head in my cider.

Yeah, head retention isn’t usually a consideration in cider (there’s not much protein in there to hold the bubbles together anyway…).

Do you run into any staling issues with the added oil? Theoretically they could contribute.

I brew three gallon batches and have one a day with supper; it should be done before that’s a problem. It hasn’t been an issue in the past.

I use the unsweetened coconut from Whole Foods (6-8 oz I think). One bag is enough for 5 gallons of beer. Toss it in post fermentation and age a couple weeks. Yes, it will have a negative affect on head retention and lacing. But not as bad as you might think.

I got 7.6 ozs of raw coconut. I added it yesterday afternoon and it was burping through the airlock slowly this morning.

I love coconut flavoured stuff. I almost never do flavoured beers, but the first one I might do in a long time will probably be some kind of coconutty sweet and chocolatey thing. probably a combination of coconut tincture, artificial extract and pure (defatted ?? ) coconut added right in

Sounds VERY good! Mouth is drooling…

No coconut for me.

I made a heavy ale with Sabro. Tastes like tropical fruit Lifesavers.

Seems the heavy ale (Scotch Ale?) was wrong for the Sabro hops?