So let me stipulate that making a good tasting, quality NEIPA is tough. I’ve made some good ones but never a great one. After some research and mashing together comments from Scott Janish, a recipe and comments from Solo Tuba, and research on LupoMax and Aromazyme I have come up with the following that I present for your comments:
6 gallon (into the fermenter) batch
ABV 7.9%
43.5 IBU
5.1 SRM
1LB rice hulls
10lb 10 oz Golden Promise
2 lbs White Wheat malt
1 lb Flaked Oats
1lb flaked wheat
1lb malted oats
8oz Breiss Blonde RoastOat
5oz acidulated malt
Water is 4:1 Chloride - sulfate
Calcium less than 50ppm
4 oz Saaz in the mash
Protein rest at 122º
1 lb dextrose 10-minute boil
1lbs Maltodextrin 10-minute boil
Yeast nutrient 10-minute boil
3oz Bru-1 Lupomax 15 Min wp @ 185º
3oz Citra Lupomax 15 min wp @ 155º
1 pkg Omega Cosmic Punch
1g Aromazyme at yeast pitch
.2 oz Bru-1 Lupomax at start of fermentation
1.4 oz Mosaic Lupomax at day 3
2.00 Bru-1 Lupomax @ day 10
2.00oz El Dorado Lupomax @ day 10
1.oo oz Citra Lupomax @ day 10
After 3 more days cold crash then minimal oxygen exposure transfer to keg with .30g of sodium Metabisulfite and carbonate.
Allow it to “age” for 7-10 days