Comments on this NEIPA please

So let me stipulate that making a good tasting, quality NEIPA is tough.  I’ve made some good ones but never a great one.  After some research and mashing together comments from Scott Janish, a recipe and comments from Solo Tuba, and research on LupoMax and Aromazyme I have come up with the following that I present for your comments:

6 gallon (into the fermenter) batch
ABV 7.9%
43.5 IBU
5.1 SRM

1LB rice hulls
10lb 10 oz Golden Promise
2 lbs White Wheat malt
1 lb Flaked Oats
1lb flaked wheat
1lb malted oats
8oz Breiss Blonde RoastOat
5oz acidulated malt

Water is 4:1 Chloride - sulfate
Calcium less than 50ppm

4 oz Saaz in the mash

Protein rest at 122º

1 lb dextrose 10-minute boil
1lbs Maltodextrin 10-minute boil
Yeast nutrient 10-minute boil

3oz Bru-1 Lupomax 15 Min wp @ 185º
3oz Citra Lupomax 15 min wp @ 155º

1 pkg Omega Cosmic Punch

1g Aromazyme at yeast pitch
.2 oz Bru-1 Lupomax at start of fermentation

1.4 oz Mosaic Lupomax at day 3
2.00 Bru-1 Lupomax @ day 10
2.00oz El Dorado Lupomax @ day 10
1.oo oz Citra Lupomax @ day 10

After 3 more days cold crash then minimal oxygen exposure transfer to keg with .30g of sodium Metabisulfite and carbonate.
Allow it to “age” for 7-10 days


Although I don’t make NEIPA, I have compared Lupomax to Cryo hops.  I found cryo to have way less tannin load.  I would assume that would be important in NEIPA.  Also, many NEIPA brewers have found they can significantly reduce hop burn by dry hopping for a short time at cold temps.

I found that spunding my NEIPAs made a huge difference in how long the “juicy” hop aroma lasted.  Even with 99.9% pure CO2, injecting it into beer adds far more oxygen than bubbling it through the beer with minimal head pressure, as commercial breweries do.  The sulfates at kegging might protect you, or might not be enough.

Some things also seem unnecessary or may vary depending on your circumstances.  Not sure why you’d need a protein rest if you’re going for permanent haze, and the acid malt amount will depend on your water chemistry to hit your target pH, since at 2% it won’t have any flavor contribution.