Had Hacker-Pschorr Munich Gold yesterday and it was not as good as I was expecting. Any recommendations for widely available examples of Helles? I have yet to try Paulaner’s offereing…
I am only learning the basics of German Lagers and am not a BJCP so I don’t know how it is as an example but I reall love Von Trappe Munich Helles. I’m not sure how widely available it is and I’m sure that being near Vermont I am getting nice fresh examples but I had this a few times last summer and found it very hard to make a six pack last for more than one session. Definitely suffig.
From the website it looks like Maui Brewing is available in parts of Colorado. My absolute favorite Helles Lager is Maui’s Bikini Blonde. Delicious stuff.
Thanks. The Hacker came off with a strange bitterness to me that didn’t seem to be the hops. Could be a distribution/freshness issue. It wasn’t bad by any means just not what I was hoping for.
I often find a strange off bitter note that I think you are describing with most of Hacker beers - I have always assumed it was an oxidation/staleness note, as I have not picked up the same when having fresh-er examples on tap at Oktoberfest parties and German restaurants.
Agreed, I find Maui Brewing to be one of the most overpriced breweries. I make an exception for this beer however. Otherwise I only by singles of their other beers once in awhile.
Ok that seems reassuring that it’s not just me. I have had some domestic versions of Helles that I quite enjoyed but this was my first purchase of a German brewed product. I thought maybe the interpretation was different. I will work on that list to explore the style further.
With imports, freshness is always a factor too. I remember a time thinking I didn’t like helles because the imports I drank were usually oxidized, with the unpleasant strong caramelly character. Until I found some Paulaner Premium in cans (never found it in cans since), stamped fairly fresh considering the distance, and with obviously no light struck issues. It was absolutely fantastic and totally changed my mind on helles. Been a while but I think the next beer I brewed was a helles.
For getting fresh helles, I’ve had really good luck with the 5-liter party kegs they seem to all come in. One of the local shops sells the Hofbrau helles for $20/5L.
Another shop sells Schlenkerla party kegs, though those are $45/5L. Still haven’t coughed up the dough to try that one yet, although I love Schlenkerla.