Community IPA Recipe Project

So basically I’m going to be moving soon and want to do one last batch here.
I have a freezer full of delicious hops and not exactly sure what to do with them, so I have this idea.
Everyone put in your ideas on what kind of malts to use, hop schedule, dry hopping, etc… for a nice hoppy IPA recipe.
Let’s hear everyone’s ideas!

Here are the hops I have:

Simcoe 3.25oz
Amarillo 2.25oz
Hallertauer .5oz
Willamette .75oz
Magnum .25oz
Citra .25oz
Centennial .25oz
Chinook .25oz

Do you have AA figures on those hops?

Otherwise I’d go my usual sort of IPA base

47% 2-Row
47% Maris Otter
6% C40

to a 1.065-1.070 OG

Run the Magnum, Chinook and Willamette early.
Run the remainder at flameout, but hold onto an ounce of the Amarillo and Simcoe for dry hop

My suggestion for the hop additions would be to use all the Chinook and Magnum at 60 minutes, plus however much Simcoe you need to get you about 75% or so of the IBU’s your shooting for. Then have a little fun with the rest:

Combine all the rest of the hops and split it into 3 equal parts. Start sprinkling small amounts from the first third at 20 minutes and every couple of minutes from there. Pace yourself to be adding the last bit just before flameout. The second part goes in at flameout as soon as the boil dies down. Let the hops do a hot steep for an hour before chilling. The last third is your dry hops. If you want to get really adventurous, split that into 3 more parts and add them each in 3 days apart. Bottle or keg 3 days after the last dry hop addition.

So this is the malt profile I think I’m going to work with. (It’s a partial mash recipe)

4lbs 2 Row Pale Malt
1lb Caramel 60L
.5lb Biscuit Malt
.5lb Carapils
6lbs of Golden Light LME

For the hops I’m thinking for the 60min:
.5oz Simcoe
.25oz Chinook
.25oz Magnum

From 30mins until flameout divide up the Willamette, Hallertauer, Citra, Centennial, Amarillo and Simcoe and add at 30, 15, 10mins

Steep after flameout with 1oz of Amarillo and Simcoe
And dry hop with 1oz of Amarillo and Simcoe

Your Hallertauer and Willamette are going to get swallowed up by the others.

You COULD do a parti-gyle to make an Imperial IPA and a little small, pilsner-IPA hybrid with the hallertauer/willamette and some of the Amarillo.

If it were me I’d save the Simcoe til the last 20 min and dry hop. The aroma qualities of that hop are too precious to waste on 60 minute additions!