I recently brewed an IPA with an original gravity of 1.075. It was a 3 gallon batch (about 2.6/2.7 gallon in the fermenter) that I fermented in a 5 gallon carboy with plans to transfer it to a 3 gallon secondary and dry hop when primary fermentation is complete. I used a White Labs California ale yeast that I had washed from a previous batch and created a starter a couple days ahead of time.
With this size batch (and usually a lower original gravity), I usually just pitch a vial with no starter and get fermentation in about 24 hrs. With this particular batch I had a lot of activity within just a couple hours and today, only 3 days later I noticed my krausen was almost gone. Since, I was gettin out the sanitizer to make another starter for a different batch, I decided to take a quick gravity readin and sure enough, approx 1.014 - close to if not, my final gravity.
Now before someone calls me a nervous noob, I’m not worried or freakin out, I’m not about to immediately transfer it to the secondary or doing anythin stupid, impatient or irrational, I’m just curious - is this normal or, considering everything above, does this sound right?