complete high gravity fermentation within three days?

I recently brewed an IPA with an original gravity of 1.075. It was a 3 gallon batch (about 2.6/2.7 gallon in the fermenter) that I fermented in a 5 gallon carboy with plans to transfer it to a 3 gallon secondary and dry hop when primary fermentation is complete. I used a White Labs California ale yeast that I had washed from a previous batch and created a starter a couple days ahead of time.

With this size batch (and usually a lower original gravity), I usually just pitch a vial with no starter and get fermentation in about 24 hrs.  With this particular batch I had a lot of activity within just a couple hours and today, only 3 days later I noticed my krausen was almost gone. Since, I was gettin out the sanitizer to make another starter for a different batch, I decided to take a quick gravity readin and sure enough, approx 1.014 - close to if not, my final gravity.

Now before someone calls me a nervous noob, I’m not worried or freakin out, I’m not about to immediately transfer it to the secondary or doing anythin stupid, impatient or irrational, I’m just curious - is this normal or, considering everything above, does this sound right?


Does not seem too unusual, most of your fermentation happens within the first day or two. I would still let it sit for a week or so before I would consider moving it.

yeah, that’s not too unusual. I’m guessing it doesn’t taste quite done yet but the actual work of fermenting can go quite quickly if one pitches enough yeast.

After fermentation, whats happenin thats still affecting flavor?

the yeast will continue to metabolize byproducts of earlier stages of fermentation (diacetyl, acetaldehyde, etc) which don’t taste particularly good.

The advice here is that re-pitches of WLP001  take off and work like crazy, so it’s possible. How much if the old slurry did you use for this smallish batch, and did you make a starter with the slurry or direct pitch?