Conference pointers

Anyone got any pointers for a conference first-timer?  Registration is Tuesday and I"m still not sure which type of registration I’m going for… looking at the Social - no banquet but could be persuaded.  Any info on what to expect is appreciated.

Just go for the whole deal.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone going full conference and regretting it.

It’s all worth to me. Go for it!

I doubt you’ll regret it.  :slight_smile:

I got the full w/o banquet last year and I should have just gotten the full w/banquet.

Go big or stay home!  ;D

If you have any interest in brewing, you’ll regret not going to the seminars.  The banquet is a lot of fun.

When you register a guest, is that a free add-on at the time or do you pay the same price for him/her as well?

Same price for everyone… member or guest.

If you haven’t seen the First Time Attendee guide, it’s a good read.

I guess it depends on your situation, but I would only consider the “social only” options if I lived nearby. It seems like a waste to spend money on travel and hotel and not spend $60 to attend the seminars.

I used to get the full package without the banquet, but since Sean Paxton has been the chef, I now ALWAYS get the full conference with banquet.
Club Night is the best part, except for the seminars, which are also the best part, unless you count the banquet, which is the best part, but the best part is getting to see all the friends you’ve made each year.

Last year was my first year and I definately recommend the full package.  The seminars have some great info and most serve beer, some of which is related to the content of the talk.

And the banquet is not to be missed.  I was a lone traveler last year, and met some great people at my table from all over the country.  The meal and beer pairing was also excellent.  And it is a great time hanging out with 1500-1800 homebrewers!

Except Mike Bardallis didn’t make it last year, and may not this year.  :frowning:

That was what I was thinking. Especially the friends from over the year part.

The Sean Paxton banquets are always a special treat.

Last year was 1800+.  This year might closer to 2500 :slight_smile:

I’m not following, do I know Mike Bardallis?

He is referenced in the first time attendee guide

The more the merrier ( or hairier or scarier  ;D )

All of the above :slight_smile:

Gotcha - no shoes

Do the full thing.

Read the first time attendee guide.

Get prepared for lots of beer, and lots of fun.

You won’t regret it.

You might regret it if you book an early flight for Sunday. :wink:

Which is the nice thing about this year…I can catch my flight at 2:30pm and still be home by 5pm.