I was at my computer at 12:06 pst and couldn’t even connect to the site till nearly 1:00 pst. the full thursday, friday, saturday was already sold out. I got the friday saturday only package instead.
I have to travel thursday anyway so I likely wouldn’t be in till the afternoon or evening. I can still do the social stuff thursday, just not the presentations. I actually thought that was a cool option for those of us who have to work wednesday. it’s only $10.00 difference in price but…
I was at my computer from the starting gun and I couldn’t get through for 45 minutes. Decided to try and commute home and wound up getting wait-listed for the full conference.
You should note that even if you only got the Friday Saturday registration, you can still go to all of the same seminars from Thursday as these will be repeated through the Friday and Saturday sessions. CHIN UP GUYS and GALS! ;D
I can’t believe that I planned for this conference more meticuloulsy than a Shuttle launch and it all almost went to hell in a heartbeat. It was only with the help of someone else focusing on the hotel, me lucking onto the backdoor conference link to register (I think I must have got one of the last full packages), and the Grace of God that everythig worked out. I can’t believe that they were expecting so many people and everything still overloaded.
I just kept reloading the page and at 2 min to 3 it opened up so I got the package. Then the AHA posted the direct link on FB and I shared it far and wide.
I still think they should go back to a November sign up for the conference. That way it would be available for more than a couple of hours.
I tried to register but was probably doubly cursed by my distance from the servers. By the time the page actually loaded, the full package was sold out, and I’m not spending $700 on airfare just for a single day.
Phil, the Full-Almost package covers Friday and Saturday seminars, and all social stuff. It’s only the Thursday seminars you can’t attend (we don’t have the space because of another conference Thursday) and they are generally repeated on Friday or Saturday anyway. Plus you can judge and not worry about it.
Hey Tom, is there any method for someone who got the full package to pass along their Thursday seminar pass along to someone else. In reality I’ll probably be judging so I could give my pass to someone looking for the seminars that day.