Congratulation yellowhammer

More news from Alabama.

Saw this on FB today as well, exciting stuff, congrats!! Gives me a reason to head on down one day

Awesome, way to go Keith!

That is awesome!

Congrats, man. Huntsville and the SE will be better for it.

Congrats Keith. It’s gonna be tough to beat your current Beer Garden. …but I can’t wait!

Hey, thanks guys! I’m really excited. I will definitely miss the current beer garden but having a chance to build a real production facility and moving up to a regional scale brewery definitely trumps that.

Having the two breweries so close together may seem odd to some people not familiar with the brewing industry (almost everyone wants to know if there will be a partnership - no, there’s not) but I think it will be a real draw to people all over the south east. especially with the amphitheater.  It is really cool to be involved in changing the culture of the south east - with beer! :slight_smile:

Very cool Keith!!  It’s so great to see your business grow so steadily!  The profit comes from volume and you seem to be heading in the right direction.


Sounds like a great venture. Good luck!

Way to go, Keith!

How much bigger will this new place be?

The brewery area itself (housing brewhouse, FVs, BBTs and packaging line) will be 6000 sq ft. We will also have tasting room, large covered porch and beer garden. When we get closer I’ll post blue print plans.

Probably going to go with a 30bbl brewhouse.

What is the capacity of the current brewhouse (Marx Brothers right?)?

The total brewhouse capacity is 12 bbls (372 gallons). We have two 30bbl and four 20 bbl tanks plus two 30 bbl bright tanks and two ten bbl non jacketed bright tanks (we do a lot of lagering and extended aging hence the reason for so many BBTs).

Plan is to go with 30 bbl brewhouse and 60s and 90s FVs and BBTs. I may keep the current brew house for small tasting room batches.


Do not undersized your facility.
Cold storage take space but mostly supplies. Kegs, bottles, grain. We are looking for 7500 to 10,000 sf building. Granted that 3000 sf will be taproom.

It’s way bigger than I need to quadruple my current capacity (and then some). The 6,000 sq ft is just for brewhouse and cellar and doesn’t include cold room, loading dock, office and lab space, mechanical yard and separate storage building. And the really cool thing is we have nearly unlimited growth capacity at this location. We can simply tear down a wall and add on.

Awesome, Keith!  Way to grow!


Are there going to be a new line of beers with a middle school theme?  ;D

Pimple Pale Ale