Yellowhammer News

Hey y’all I want to go ahead and inform everyone that while I am still an owner and share holder, due to some issues that I can’t discuss, I am no longer employed at Yellowhammer Brewing in Huntsville, AL. It is a very frustrating and sensitive issue and I am trying to plan out a new project. I am looking to getting back into homebrewing again, so that is exciting. Dusting off the old equipment and ordering some new stuff. Who knows I may even make it to Homebrew Con next year!

I’m sorry you went through a rough time. But, I hope you look at it as a new, better opportunity ahead. Welcome back to home brewing!

I am sorry to hear that.

+1 to both of the above.

At least HBC is close for you next year.  Hope everything works out for you in the end!

Damn. Don’t know what else to say.

Hope you can make it to Nashville next year.

I think he’s scoping out Nashville right now!

Sucks, but best of luck on the new adventure! I could always use someone to clean at my brewery.  :wink:

Hope it’s not quite as bad for you as it sounds.
  I wonder if there’s a cautionary tale in this about the potential downside of taking on partners. I’ve been working on a business project for a few years now and am faced with attempting it with insufficient personal funds, or seeking outside investment. Your news was timely and gives me pause for thought.
  Best of luck.

That sux.  I looked for you the past couple times I was in and didn’t see you.  GOD Speed in your future endeavors.

really sorry to hear that Keith.

Who is the new Head Brewer?

The “Lead Brewer” is Jordan Lambert, the Head Cellar is James Glass. James is in management Jordan is not. They are both really good guys and very competent brewers.

I am still a share holder with the company and wish it success!

Any future plans, besides YouTube beer reviews?

I have a couple “irons in the fire” but can’t talk about anything yet. The Beer Reviews are just for fun. I am my biggest fan by far. Lordy I crack myself up!

Hey, I’m pretty easily amused.  Where do I find 'em?

LOL … you would have to be! Are you on FB? Friend me there and you can have all the beer reviews you can stand until you decide to unfollow. Which I assume will be quick! :wink:

My hope is to someday relaunch my “blog” and have them up there but right now I’m just having fun. And people send me beer sometimes! I have literally 20 beers that have been given to me in line to review.

Sorry, not on FB.  If you do launch a blog I’ll follow it.  I’ll read any beer blog that’s not so stupid it gets my blood pressure up instead of making me laugh.  Which actually does narrow it down quite  a bit… [emoji16]

I watch your reviews from time to time. :slight_smile:

I need to get a hold of some more of your beers some time. The dunkle was outstanding last time I had it.