Crushed Grains Life

How long do I have to use my grains once they have been crushed?

The sooner the better, obviously, but I have waited up to a couple of months without any major impact.

I wouldn’t wait that long or longer if given a choice.  You should be okay out to 6 or 8 weeks.


I would try to use them within a month. You could use them after two, but I would start to worry about staleness. If you keep them in the freezer, I would say up to six months. Otherwise I would make some bread with them, or give them to the birds and critters. :slight_smile:

Here’s a sample data sheet from Briess:

They say six months.  I always use mine within an hour or so.

I had a batch milled and then had a heart attack.  It was 3 months before I used them and they were fine.

How many pounds did you grind by hand for that to happen?  Just kidding!  I suffered the same fate without grinding grain…and damn glad to be able to enjoy the hobby without limitations from it.

Hope you are too.