CTZ Hops anywhere?

Was dismayed when going to place my yearly hop order that neither Freshops or HopsDirect has any Columbus left this year.  Anyone know where any are available at less that your average LHBS retail prices?

Also, apparently Simcoe are at a premium now?  Wanted to start brewing with them, but then also noticed Putterbaugh Farms (Hops Direct) doesn’t even have any on-top for the '11 harvest :frowning:


I recently bought some varieties of pellet from here:


Quick service, btw.



freshops has them right there - don’t kow what you’re looking at.

FWIW - Puterbaugh doesn’t grow Simcoe, so you won’t find them there.  They had them once ('06 or '07 IIRC) when they traded with another grower, but its been years since that happened.

From what I hear from pros, it is unlikely we will see any Simcoe at the homebrew level from the '11 harvest.

Wholesalehops.com has 'em. I just picked up a couple #s of Centennial. Looks like they have Amarillo too(2# max).

Thanks for all the sources guys! - and thanks Blatz for pointing out the obvious, may have looked over those mentally because they weren’t pellets (which I prefer), so went on looking forgetting some DO exist.

Man, too bad to hear about Simcoe - was really looking forward to trying that in a few beers.  Maybe a local brewery can spare a few ounces around…

Damn it, I was just starting to get into Simcoe, too…argh.  I don’t understand why these are on such a shortage, fakkin’ plant more!  Is it really that difficult?

Simcoe is supply and demand.  High demand and only 237 acres in 2010 (USDA REPORT). 
Matt Bryndilson said that they can get about80% production out of a first year plant in Yakima due to the soil and conditions.  Let us hope for more acres in 2011.