You need to be careful using a no-sparge technique with beers like Pilsner. Your pH can easily get way too high.
I would recommend mashing at 1.5 to 2 quarts per pound. Even with very low alkalinity water, with a grist of mostly pilsner malt you will probably need ~2-3% acidulated malt to reach a mash pH in the neighborhood of 5.4-5.5. Ideally you want to use a water calculator and be measuring your pH with some lactic acid handy.
I use the following mash at 2 qt/lb:
Dough in to reach protein rest temp of 130 F. Hold 10 minutes. Check pH during this rest and adjust to 5.4 to 5.5 if necessary.
Directly heat or infuse (if you infuse, start the mash thicker and adjust your pH again at this point) up to 145 F, hold 15 minutes. Pull thick decoction consisting of the entire grist and 1/3 of the sweet liquor.
While maintaining the main mash temperature at 145 F, raise decoction to 160 F and hold 10 minutes. Bring decoction to boil and boil for 25-30 minutes with the lid partially on to keep evaporation to a minimum. Stir somewhat frequently to prevent the bottom from scorching (if scorching is a problem, your heat is too high)
Ladle decoction back into main mash to reach a rest temperature of 160 F. Cool any remaining decoction to 160 F before adding it back to the main mash. Hold this rest for 60 minutes.
Directly heat or infuse to a mash out at 170 F if you like. I skip the mash out and still get ~83% efficiency.
Yeah I enjoy decoction mashing for a bopils. It’s not going to turn your pilsner into a tmave pivo but it will give you some melanoidin and an opportunity to hit multiple rest temps.
I also do a single decoction for my Bo Pils similar to Dfhar. I do full volume BIAB, short protien rest, direct heat raise to 150 for 15 min, drain a little over half liquid into cooler to maintain at 150, boil whole mash for 30 min, cool mash down to 160-165, return liquid, mash at 155 for 30 min. I also like to add all my flavor and aroma Saaz hops to the liquid drain off in cooler.