Damn I'm good......


OK, all kidding aside…  Made an American Brown Ale, and am very impressed with how that came out. I mean, I drink a lot of Guinness in the UK and Ireland, so my palate is spoiled, (not developed, lol) but this is “hic” DAMN TASTY. Oh, seems it came out at a healthy 6.5+% ABV… the upper edge of the style. Then again, I have no style… ;D

OK, back to your regular scheduled programming.

Congrats on another beer well done!!!

Struggling with a keg of Blond ale I have on tap right now.  Not sure what I think of it yet.  I can’t decide if it’s too hoppy, oxygenated or just too young.  :-*  Oh well at least the Winter Warmer, Amber and Fat Tire all taste fine.


Oscar, this thread is useless without a recipe. But, either way,congrats on a great beer. anytime I make a beer that good, I’m still amazed and so proud all at the same time.  8)

Just a reminder…if you’re gonna post a recipe, put it in the Homebrewopedia wiki and post a link to it.


I had no idea that was there… :-\      Since I was out of brewing for the last year, I quit reading the brew related threads, as it was to painful for me. Is this something new I missed?

I need me a Damn good American Brown Ale recipe.

Might be better called a robust porter.  Always good to find you enjoy a new recipe though, nice work.  Will you be tweaking it any the next time you brew it?

Do it for Charlie, dude.

Here’s mine.  Won me the first medal I ever got.


Nope… The only thing I would like to try is put it on Nitro, but that’s not in the budget right now.

Sir yes SIR!  ;D


right on beersk!  Wish I’d seen this or the ‘shoe brewer’s’ recipe before I brewed the featured American Barley Wine recipe.

Um, that was me, not beersk.

It’s been around since the new website opened, before the forum was here.

He might’ve been referring to the “Do it for Charlie” comment.