OK, all kidding aside… Made an American Brown Ale, and am very impressed with how that came out. I mean, I drink a lot of Guinness in the UK and Ireland, so my palate is spoiled, (not developed, lol) but this is “hic” DAMN TASTY. Oh, seems it came out at a healthy 6.5+% ABV… the upper edge of the style. Then again, I have no style… ;D
Struggling with a keg of Blond ale I have on tap right now. Not sure what I think of it yet. I can’t decide if it’s too hoppy, oxygenated or just too young. :-* Oh well at least the Winter Warmer, Amber and Fat Tire all taste fine.
Oscar, this thread is useless without a recipe. But, either way,congrats on a great beer. anytime I make a beer that good, I’m still amazed and so proud all at the same time. 8)
I had no idea that was there… :-\ Since I was out of brewing for the last year, I quit reading the brew related threads, as it was to painful for me. Is this something new I missed?
Might be better called a robust porter. Always good to find you enjoy a new recipe though, nice work. Will you be tweaking it any the next time you brew it?