This brewing thing is really taking off...

So i’m sitting here drinking one of my latest brews (Hefeweizen), and I can definitely see and taste an increase in quality since I started brewing.  My last three brews have all exceeded my expectations, and it couldn’t make me happier.  I feel I am getting to the point where I am being smart about recipe formulation and understanding what goes well with what.  I also think I’m really starting to dial in on my whole grain to glass process.  With these latest three brews (Irish Red, Pale Ale, Hefe) I sometimes forget I am drinking homebrew.  Maybe I’m tooting my own horn, but I am just trying to describe the improvement I’ve noticed in my beers.  Tooting aside, I owe a good chunk of that improvement to this forum and the people who have taken the time to answer my sometimes probably dumb questions.  So thank you AHA forum.  Cheers.

it’s a wonderful thing to suddenly realize that not only did you make the beer but you made the beer great.  happy brewing ;D

Its called “hittin’ your stride”.

It won’t be long and you will be like me; thinking “what if”… ;D ;D ;D

My beers are now better than most that I can buy. Certainly believe that I can supply all my beer needs. As my neighbor puts it “you have a factory”… ;D

I just poured my first glass of a cherry blonde brett beer I brewed last year-I don’t like fruit beers normally but this one has so little sweetness and just the right hint of cherry flavor that I like it far better than any commercial cherry beers I’ve tasted.  when you can outdo the popular commercial beersyou have arrived.

That’s pretty much how I look at it.  With only minor exceptions (like if I run out…which I try very hard not to do), I all but stopped buying beer when it finally got to the point where the stuff I was making was just as good as, or better than, the storebought stuff that I was paying increasingly absurd prices for. 
The trend I’m seeing these days where some 4-packs cost $10 and 22 ounce bombers can cost $5 (and sometimes a LOT more),  makes me very  glad that I’ve stuck with brewing for as long as I have.

Toot on my friend, it’s a good feeling and confidence is a fantastic ingredient.  I had a great experience last weekend at BigBrew brewing with club members that have no problem letting you know what they think is off about your beer.  We had about 20 systems set up and it was a lot of fun. I was pouring my all Mt. Hood “pils” and my Pliny the Imposter.  One guy told me the Pliny was the best thing he tasted all day and at another point I had a group of guys standing around my rig discussing my Pils. One guy stops and says to me,“you sir, make a damn fine beer”. Me and my gal love the beer we make and we get great reviews from friends, family and co-workers, but to get that feedback in that setting was pretty damn satisfying.

i love drinking my home brew, but some beers i still just want to buy and enjoy.  it’s just easier to buy one-six beers than try to brew 5 gallons of it.  just my opinion though.