So I am planning decanting for the first time. I am planning to brew on Saturday and will get the starter going today. I will give it roughly give it 2-3 days for the 2 liter starter and then crash it in the fridge. I was wondering if anyone has advice on the length of time I can store the starter in the fridge?
A starter might keep for months depending on the yeast strain and how it’s treated, although viability and vitality will suffer and it may need to be built back up after awhile. Use within 2 weeks and you’re golden. Do not decant the starter beer off the yeast until you are ready to pitch. I pour off all but an inch of liquid and then swirl it up and pitch.
I’m no bona-fide expert either, but what you describe is my procedure exactly as I’ve done for going on 30 years (with both starters and saved slurries).
So as far as I’m concerned, you’re right on the money. 8)
Next time you are at the LHBS, you might want to spend a dollar and get a foam stopper. Easy to sanitize, breathes well and won’t fall out. Foil is cool too, but my foam stopper has worked well.