Dehusked Carafa - Rochefort clone

I’m planning on brewing a small batch of the Hermann Holtropp Rochefort clone this weekend, but have realised that I don’t have any Carafa special I.  I do have special II and III.  Rather than having to order some, am I right in thinking that I could just use a smaller quantity of the II or III to produce the same colour addition?  Given that it only uses 50g to begin with, I can’t see that being a problem.

What does the hive mind have to say on this?

I would use the Carafa II special, and proportionally decrease the amount based on the Lovibond ratings.

Pretty good recipe.  :wink:

I think that recipe calls for Carafa Special (II), not Carafa I.

The recipe calls for Carafa special dehusked 800EBC, which is number 1.

I think I’m going to go with a proportionally smaller quantity of special 2.

Brewed this today, but got my sums wrong.  Ended up with too much beer, and 10 points under my target.  Should come in around 7%, so I’ll pretend it was meant to be the 6, rather than 8.

Did you pulverize it or just run it though the mill with the rest of it?

I always pulverize mine, but it has meant I need to adjust the amount somewhat.

In a beer like that, I would have no quams adding back 1-1.5# of dissolved cane sugar (boiled in a small amount of water for 5 min. and cooled) to the fermenter. Not a big deal at all, and in a 5 gallon batch that will gain you 8-10 points (give or take).

Do you think the 1% alcohol with no additional body will have a significant impact on the quality of the beer?  (I’m genuinely asking, I never brew stuff that strong so I have no gauge).

Not for Belgian Dark Strong like he is brewing. You want those to finish pretty dry. I would also have no issues doing that for most belgian styles.

Carafa went through the mill with the rest of the grain.  Flaked corn was boiled separately into a viscous goop and added to the mash.

Good idea.  I might add 500g of sugar or golden syrup in a day or so.

Just FYI, flaked corn (maize) does not need to be boiled separately before being added to the mash. It is pre-gelatinized and can be added directly with your other grains to the mashtun for conversion.

+1.  Flaked maize pretty much dissolves into the mash anyway.

Thanks for the info.  It’s something I’ve only used for this recipe, so I just followed what it said on the link I posted previously.  That’ll save me some time, and washing up in future.