Yeah, isn’t that a winter release for them? I could be wrong, but if it is, that means it was probably brewed late last fall or earlier. I do love that beer though. Haven’t had it in a while.
Oh I know that, I just thought going in it was like a 10%+for some reason, probably because it was a $6.50 11.5oz bottle, I was progressively wishing I got more bang out of that. I will be cracking the seal here soon
Nocturnum is year round. Delirium Noel is their Xmas seasonal. I’ve aged Nocturnum for about 3 years. It gets more rounded & soft, but loses some brightness. I’d suggest drinking it now.
Just have to say I find it utterly hysterical we are at a point now in the US where we are saying “It’s only 8.5% ABV” as if that’s low alcohol. That said, I don’t find that many beers aside from barley wines and RIS age very well. Often time the Delerium line tastes old to me, can’t say I have had one in quite some time though.
Don’t get my wrong it’s not that it’s “only” 8.5%. It was more of, “Should this be hidden and forgotten about, or enjoy now” kind of question.
It is true, that 8.5% is more than 2x the macrobrews out there in strength so I get your point. But yeah the available high gravity imperial beers above 10% has changed everyone’s spectrum of high gravity beer. Same as the spectrum of high IBUs does 85IBUs seem like a big deal these days? Not to me it doesn’t.
I don’t know how old you were but I can remember thinking 6.5% was a “high abv”. That’s all I’m sayin’. Amazing how much has changed. Not meant as a criticism to anyone.
Living in a place where the daily high is above 90F for 7 months out of the year - I want nothing to do with beer over 6% most of the year. Breweries here have mostly caught on and are pretty good at putting out a decent number of 4.5-5.5% beers (although a lot of them aren’t very well executed).