Should be a fairly standard Golden Strong. Maybe a blend of Pils/Pale, table sugar and a touch of a medium cara malt like CMII.
Not sure what yeast would suffice. I have not had a bottle of DT in a while (it’s fairly expensive even for as someone who buys a lot of Rochefort, Chimay and Westmalle) so I don’t recall how similar to say the Moortgat yeast it may be.
If it had good foam you’ll want a Hockhurz mash. Many of those Belgian breweries, the Trappists included, are step mashing as a general rule. DeClerck still looms large in Belgium.
I agree with the Golden Strong base as a starting point. I could be wrong but it definitely seems to have some coriander in there, too. As for strains, I think a balanced Belgian strain like 3522 (Ardennes) would work well among others.
No, I normally use the Duvel strain in a GSA. But to me the esters from DT more resemble a strain like Ardennes. But most any Belgian strain would work pretty well IMO.
I cultured the DT yeast once and it was all around a great yeast… flavor, attenuation, all hit the mark exactly. Rumors is that it’s a blend, there was some speculation about which yeasts were in it but I can’t remember. This was probably a 10 year old thread on the NB forum, but I’m sure other info is out there.
I’m with Denny - Ardennes is a great yeast for lighter (color) Belgians.
I’m also with Big Monk - DT is pretty darn expensive. There was a place by us sold it by the pitcher years ago. Fish and chips Fridays with pitchers of DT. Mmmmmmm.