Brewed a Porter and a Milk Stout with 2 different Yeast fermented at same temps
Both had pro Ale starter sizes 1.0 pro pitched in/ decanted
And pitched in at 63/64F and temp controlled fermentation
Never used. Denny Yeast so I’m posting thses readings
Brew Date: 01.01.2016
Porter 5.5 gallons
Yeast: Denny 50 1450
Recipe Specs, O.G: 1.056 & F.G: 1.015
Actual brew day specs: 1.060 post boil gravity
Ok so last night 01.08.2016 Around 9pm. After these readings I raised the temp from 65 to 68F via temp controller
I figured a slow temp rise thoroughly the night…
Today, Saturday Im going to raise up to 71F by this afternoon
I have to leave out of town for a week by Sunday night…
Can I leave it at 71F the entire weekend plus the week till I get back on Friday night…???
Mr Denny, sir
Thanks for your answer…will adjust the temp today to 71F and leave till next Friday
I know Yeasts do what they want to do…
With that said, I never used Dennys yeast…is that apparent attenuation in ball park…?
Guess I’m asking because when I used other Yeast like wlp001 that stuff chews right through the Wort in like 3 to 5 days…
I know different strains… But I’d thought I’d ask you…or anybody who has way more experience…
By the way I tasted the starters with the different Yeast…Dennys and WLP002
Starter tastings…LOL hey I was curious and impatient!
The Dennys was almost crisp but soft…kinda malty…very nice can’t wait to keg the Porter!
This Yeast is like 1056 but softer and maltier
The WLP002
Was fuller…more soft. A bit more Malty but not by a mile
fwiw, 002, you really need to start ramping up the temperature about 48-72 hours after fermentation has begun - its a fast fermenter and one that wants to go to sleep quickly and you need to keep it going by raising the temp before it has a chance to do that. my last batch with 002, I got 77% attenuation.
you may be able to get it going again a week after to squeeze out more points, but I wouldn’t be shocked if its only 2-3 more.
keep in mind, the lactose may cause a higher FG than the same grain bill sans lactose.