Devil's Backbone Vienna Lager

Did anyone attending this seminar jot down the details (grain bill, hop strikes, mashing, etc.) when Jason and Warren did their presentation? I’d love to brew it this weekend but the presentations aren’t up yet, and I was too busy listening and drinking.


Sorry…I now wish I had written everything down or taken pictures.  Jason’s section in this article sounds about right from his talk.  One thing I do remember is when cooling, not to cool more than 2 F per day, then crash cool it when it’s around 42F.

All 3 of the beers at this talk were fantastic and I’m jealous of those who live near Devil’s Backbone.

Thanks! I had completely forgotten about the LIPA…how could that have happened!

He told me afterwards that they use (I think) Schill dark Munich, which, at about 15L, is darker than Weyermann Munich Type II (about 9L). Durst Munich 40 (also about 16L) would work.

I’m still hoping someone can post pictures or detailed notes!

during the talk the beer seemedfairly caramelly to me, though still delicious.  I could have sworn I saw something like “12% Cara-amber” up there on the screen.

However after the banquet I had several samples where it seemed notably cleaner, more of a nice bready malt than sweet, toasty with much less caramel.

I shall have to do more “research”…

I now want to go to Virginia for some reason.

I have Vienna right now. I am closer.

About the same distance. Chicago traffic might make it longer.

Thirsty Monk is also on my list to visit. Too bad I missed your beers at NHC.

Boilbrewer - in case you didn’t see Duncan’s post, the seminars have been posted on the AHA website.  You’ll need to login to access…hopefully you’ll have time to do your starter for this weekend.

man, am I good or what…
38% Pilsner Malt
38% Vienna Malt
12% Dark Munich Malt
12% Weyermann Cara-Amber Malt

I have a great Vienna Lager recipe that I want to brew soon, and I’ll be on the lookout for Devil’s Backbone VL after reading this thread. Thanks for posting!

Is the dark Munich something like 30L?

20L I think

If talking Weyermann, light is 5-7L and dark is 8-10L

Briess makes 20L Munich that is quite strong. I would not use it as a base malt. Shills dark Munich used to be 15L but now it is about 10L.

Drive thru Chicago thru night. See you in the morning.

Yeah, I dickchimped it.  Shoulda contacted both you and Gladish.

That is advice I would have been all over 25-30 years ago Leos. I’m old. Not quite Denny old, but old nonetheless.

We are only as old as we want to be. Drinking that Vienna right now.

Actually the outer ring in Chicago is not that bad. Have your quarters ready.

Back to the recipe. If you use 1/3 of pils, Munich, Vienna an 1-2% dark malt it will be about right. Get continental malts. This is important. Hops? Use neutral hops like hellertau. Ibu about 22-24. OG can be from 11-14 Plato. But the you are the brewer. Make it what you want it.

Good luck.

Agreed…dark Munich typically runs 10L range.

Durst has a 40 EBC Munich, that turns out to be 15.5 Lovibond.
Schill also has one that dark.