A friend hooked me up with several pounds of fresh dewberries, a type of blackberry, and I was kicking around the idea of making a blonde ale with them.
I was looking for suggestions on hops for bittering and finishing. I was thinking Hallatter for bittering and Saaz for finishing.
Any suggestions or experience using dewberries/blackberries?
I went with Denny’s advice and only used the Hallatter. I moved from the primary to the secondary yesterday and thus far it is tasting great. I added the fruit to the secondary and I am planning on giving it a week then tasting it. Really excited for this beer and the contest I am submitting it to.
The yeast will kick in again and you may get quite a vigorous second fermentation, but sometimes it can be slow, depending on how much of your yeast has already flocked out. Both are normal. I’d give it more time than just a week. Let it ferment out. Your patience will be rewarded.
Thanks for the tip. Thus far I have not noticed any yeast activity. But I will let it keep for a while. I am a little pressed for time since this is for a contest. But I think I can give a extra week or two.