I screwed up a batch of Bock and it ended up finishing at 1.024 (likely a combination of yeast abuse and mashing a little too high). My wife likes it better than when I do it the “right” way, but I think it’s a little too much like Cherry Coke
Anyhow, I thought this might be a good chance to try out some small scale experiments and see what I can do with the flavor by diluting and/or adding a little more bittering.
I’ve done dilutions plenty of times, so I’ll likely just treat/boil/cool the water and carb it up in a PET bottle. Then I can try diluting at different ratios.
I’m curious if anyone has any experience adding bittering post-fermentation. As a malt-forward lager, this seems to me like a straight IBU thing, as dry hopping would lend too much flavor/aroma. Not sure if anyone has done this via pellet hop tea, hop extracts, etc, but any experience/advice would be appreciated.
As I said I’m just doing small scale experiments, so I’m willing to try a few different techniques. I just figured folks that know a little about this might direct me so I can spend my energy on something that at least has a chance of yielding decent results.