I’ve added 1lb to LME a few times but thinking of doing A All DME would the normal be 5lbs to make 5 gallons ? and then I suppose I would take a reading to figure how much sugar needed … thanks for any input.
As a general rule, 1 lb of LME in a gallon of water yields a wort of 1.036.
As a general rule, 1 lb of DME in a gallon of water yields a wort of 1.044.
So, to convert back and forth, you multiply by 36/44 to go from LME to DME and multiply by 44/36 to go from DME to LME.
So, 6lbs LME is roughly equivalent to 636/44 = 60.818 = 4.90 lbs of DME.
likewise, 6lbs DME is roughly equivalent to 644/36 = 61.22 = 7.33 lbs of LME.
You can substitute the ACTUAL figures based on the manufacturer of the extract that you are converting, though these numbers are close enough and you’ll end up rounding off anyways.
Hope this helps
wow , thanks for going to so much trouble to help me out santech I Really appreciate you !
Glad to help.
FWIW, the expected finishing gravity of an addition of extract can be calculated as follows:
1 + (We * Ge ) / (Vg * 1000)
We is the weight in lbs of the extract
Ge is the Gravity points per lb per gallon of that extract (usually 44 for DME, or 36 for LME)
Vg is the volume in Gallons of the finished product
so, 1 + (6lbs x 44pppg) / (100 * 5g)= .0528 which you then divide by 1000 and add 1 => 1.0528
Thanks, santoch. Really helpful info for us folks still doing extract.
I’m also adding in some steeped grains to a 6 gal. batch. 1/2 to 1-1/2 lbs. in a bag at 150-160 F for 30 minutes prior to adding the extract. How would those add in to the expected SG calculation? I’m steeping both crushed malted barley and crystal barley.
it won’t make much of a difference. 1 lb of malted barley will add about 32 pppg assuming 100% conversion efficiency. I would expect 1.5 lbs of malt in a 6 gallon batch to add a couple points at best. so a 1.052 might be 1.055 instead.
The difference is practically measurement error, IMO.
Mort and Joe,
Thanks for the info.