Two weeks ago I brewed an extract ESB and had my first taste yesterday. I had my taste out of a 16 oz. swing top bottle and when poured it had a good 1" head that lasted throughout most of the drink and it had really good lacing. I was very pleasantly surprised with the aroma and taste and it was just what I was going for.
Today I poured a drink out of a regular 12 oz. bottle and it had basically no head or lacing. The aroma was not even close to where it was yesterday. The flavor was still good but not quite the same but I am not sure it this was caused by the lack of aroma and carbonation. Does the type of bottle matter? I don’t have any other chilled currently but just put 1 of each bottle type in the fridge and will i guess I will have to test tomorrow. ;D
Swing-top or crown cap shouldn’t make any difference. For each of my batches, I bottle half in swing-tops and half in crown caps with no differences.
Sounds more like your priming sugar didn’t get mixed evenly throughout the batch. Did you fill all of one type of bottle and then fill all of the other type? If you priming sugar’s not evenly distributed then the first filled could have more and the later less (or vice versa) leading to the uneven carbonation you’re seeing.
Or it could be that the crown cap wasn’t properly sealed. Either way, something went wrong to leave you with an uncarbonated beer, not the bottle size.
Might be partly related. I just got finished bottling two cases of various bottles. Capping them was a real chore and I identified two types that gave me difficulty capping. Gone. Gppd thing ky next batch is going into a keg.
How much airspace was left in the bottles? If you had less in the swing tops that might made a little difference. However right now I’m inclined to think mixing issues or capping woes.
I am going to guess mixing was probably the cause. I was in a hurry the morning I bottled and I probably didn’t mix the priming sugar well. Oh well, live and learn.