Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale

Probably the best I’ve ever had. Both from them and others in the “Brown Ale” category. As always it’s in balance. Perfumed aroma. Clean malt taste.



Absolutely. My favorite ABA of all time. I have one quite often when I go to my LHBC meetings at DFH Brewpub and it is fantastic on tap as well. Probably my favorite DFH beer.

One of the only 2 from them that I like, and I like it a lot.

Saw on their website that the IBU 50 on the beer.  How did the bitterness play a role in the taste?

It’s bitter but very malty. Balanced. It’s 50 you say? Wow. Compared to Moose Drool it’s slightly more bitter but my jaded palate doesn’t shout “hoppy”. Decent bitterness that marries perfectly with the sweet dark malts.

I just had this for the first time last weekend and it was excellent. Sometimes DFH seems a bit over the top but i drank 3-4 of them with little problem :slight_smile: I cant do that with the 60/90 any more than 1 or 2 of those and i’m done for the night.

nice beer, i’ll def pick it up again.

My favorite brown ale was the Brooklyn Brown until I tried the DFH offering. Great beer, I could probably drink it everyday.

DFH India Brown Ale is too strong and hoppy to be an example of American Brown Ale according to the BJCP or Brewers Association guidelines. It’s what gets called a Strong Brown Ale or Imperial/Double Brown Ale.

And, if there was a BJCP category for it, it would probably be first on the list of commercial examples. It’s an excellent beer.

A little late but I’ll throw my .02 worth in . . I enjoyed DFH Indian Brown so much I made an 11 gallon clone for last year’s brew fest . . I still have about 3 gallons left and it is a dead ringer for the real thing . . hmmm think I’ll go pull one right now.

For me it wasn’t too strong and hoppy.  I got a nice mellow hop out of this one.

OT: Man the BA guidelines are a great source.  Any other guidelines you recommend?

dhacker - care to post your DFH recipe?

I agree, it’s a stupendous brew.  And I’m not even that fond of browns.

One of my all-time faves. It’s just ridiculously complex on the malt side and there’s enough hops to balance it out. IMO, this is the premier example of an Imperial Brown.

I brewed the recipe out of Sam’s Extreme Brewing book, converting the LME or DME to all grain.

The beer wasn’t bad, but it didn’t taste like the real thing. It wasn’t roasty enough.

Please do…

I did same and agree with that it does not match…