Dogfish Head Squall 90 minute IPA

Intense hop burst. From the moment the beer passes the lips until the tongue scrapes across the palate. I recognize this from all their IPA’s. So it has 9% ABV? This is lightly sweet, I can’t even taste the alcohol. Wow. A bit acidic though. They treat their water?

I loved the stuff!  Picked up on some sweetness, not unlike some of their other IPA’s.  It wasn’t quite as floral as their 60 or 90 minute, more traditionally hoppy, so to speak.  An overall enjoyable experience, and a steal at the $9.99 price tag.  I don’t know if it was a property of the beer or an illness coming on but i woke up with a brutal headache the next day. O.o

I plan to buy another bottle and ranch the yeast, we’ll see how that goes!

Fantastic beer!

An unfiltered and 100% bottle-conditioned version of 90 Minute IPA that’s dry-hopped with Palisade, Amarillo, Simcoe, Cascade, CTZ, and Willamette hops. Brewed to honor the Rogue Gallery in Portland, Maine.

I had this for the first time last year and have to say it’s one of the best IIPA’s I’ve tasted in a while. Definitely an East Coast style IIPA with a beautifully rounded malt profile that is exceptionally complex in hop flavor.

This one I will get again soon.

I to was able to enjoy a bottle of Squal. And I enjoyed the sweet hoppy bite it had. But being in Wisconsin i have to buy all the dogfish i can now or make runs to Chicago. We all have heard about dogfish backing down there selling states so no need to go into detail…

Picked up a rare bottle of this here in Colorado (my local got one case).  Shared the 750 between 4 people yesterday afternoon.  Bottle label 2011 2A (their May release)

Definitely an East Coast IPA, as described above, but wow, very complex malt and hop.  Bitterness is not harsh at all (and after so many west coast examples, would say it is not very bitter at all) but very nice initial hop flavor: herbal, floral, citrus (actually expecting more ‘grapefruit’ type hops after looking at the hop list) backed by a big malt backbone, typical of most DFH products.  A tad sweet for me, but a really nice beer to share around with other experienced drinkers.

I really enjoyed this beer.

I envy that you guys have had the chance to try Squall.

It is probably my favorite IPA followed closely by the Hoptimum from Sierra. Great beer but they do sneak up on youvery quickly if you let them. The alcohol hides in the bushes and waits for you to turn your back for half a moment.

My wife and I just got back from Dogfish Head in DE!  They still had 8ish bottles of Squall, I bought 4 of them at 8 bucks a pop.  Totally worth it!  I plan to drink one soon (tonight) and ranch the yeast to use for my homebrew club’s group brew session in a few weeks.