
What ya guys got?

Thinking about splitting between Munich I and II with a half pound (3%) of caramunich and a couple oz of carafa. Bitter with magnum. I like simple.

Simple works best.  Along with a good pitch.  Maybe brew up a Dunkel and use the whole slurry for the dopplebock.  Several recipes on our host’s website:


My best DB has been (for 3 gallons)

3.5 lb Dark Munich
2 lb Light Munich
1.5 lb Pilsner malt
0.5 lb CaraMunich III
an ounce or two of Carafa or Midnight Wheat for color.

22 IBU of nobleish hops

Even though Munich II can convert itself, the pils malt is enzyme insurance and makes sure it finishes dry enough for me.

This is my go to method for brewing bocks and doppelbocks. I don’t use the whole slurry, just part of it. But I almost always start with a Dunkel (or pils/helles).

Also, as erockrph has in his recipe. A small addition of pils for the enzymes to help get the beer dry enough.

All good stuff. I haven’t brewed my dunkel in a while. I like the idea of using the yeast from that.

those ratios sound just right for me. i wouldnt want to do an all munich 1 beer, let alone mixed munich 1 and 2 without some pils or 2row for enzymes

I have done many beers that were all Munich 10, from many different maltsters.  Never had by trouble converting.

sounds good. im not the best masher tbh, but years ago i did a 99% munich beer that got a low efficiency. i think it was weyermann munich 1

which may or may not have been due to poor conversion

When I brew bigger beers I plan a little less efficiency. Likewise, when I brew a small batch I plan a bit better efficiency.  Sometimes I don’t plan enough either way but close enough (within reason) is good enough in my brewery.

So we have temporarily landed on this:
42% Munich I
42% Munich II
12% Pilsner
3% caramunich III
1% carafa III


We enjoy brewing the best and freshest offerings in the world. We just returned from a private helicopter trip to Germany to retrieve fresh yeast from the 2nd best brewery in the world. 100.00% pure and is said to have magical powers.

That looks solid.