good recipe for first Doppelbock

So I’m currently fermenting a North German Pils (thanks for the recipe, HopfenUndMalz!) and planning a nice yeast harvest when it’s done, and thought it might be time to try my first Doppelbock, which could be ready around Lent…

I’d like input on a good recipe… so far the ones I have that I would trust are the one on Kaiser’s site ( and Jamil’s from BCS.  Main different between the two is that Kai’s is roughly 75% dark Munich, and Jamil’s is about 2/3rds light Munich, with the balance of both being Pils and some caramels.  I’m leaning towards Jamil because I have plenty of light Munich on hand and won’t have to lay out anything to brew this one… but if 90% of you say “it sucks… make Kai’s!” then I will reconsider.

Or who has a better recipe than either of these two?


I don’t think you will find many people who will say any of JZ’s recipes suck. I like to build mine around a blend of dark and light munich with a little pils (10% or so) malt for the enzymes (to ensure total conversion) and a touch of cara munich and maybe a small addition of carafa special to darken it up some.

I used Jamil’s recipe as a base for a smoked doppelbock.  The biggest change I made was performing a decoction mash.  It turned out very well.

hard to miss. there is not much difference between those two. again plenty of munich and maybe some pils to ensure conversion esp. if using a lot of dark munich. just use enough to get your gravity where you want and use a clean lager yeast.

go with the grain you have and use the kai technique - just a possibility

this is very important - the DP on dark munich is usually 25-30.

I personally like a mix of lighter and darker munich rather than all light - the darker contributes a deeper malty richness as opposed to the breadier type aromas and flavors that light munich contributes.

no matter what you do though - it will be good! I’ve made them all light, mostly dark and several variations in between.

Red, thanks for the shout out.

Never had JZ,s recipe.  Kai had some of his at the 2010 NHC, andc it was fantastic.