Here is what I have planned. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.
45% Best Pilsner Malt
45% Root Shoots Genie Pale
10% Munich I
11 IBU Magnum @ 60
12 IBU Magnum @ 15
5 IBU Magnum @ 5
34/70 yeast
1052 OG.
Yellow balance water
I’ve seen all sorts of recipes: 67% Pils/33% Munich, 74% Pils/13% Vienna/13% Munich, 75% Pils/17% Vienna/8% Munich. I’ve brewed several and couldn’t tell much difference though admittedly they weren’t side by side.
Though, when I sent to Dortmund I could not find any classic beer. It’s pretty much dead there so just have to go based on writing… unless someone knows something I don’t.
i use 90% german pils and 10% light munich, magnum for bittering and hallertau for my finishing hops and my water is soft so all i do is add some gypsum to the kettle
The Dortmunders in Germany weren’t that common 21 years back in Hesse. There was a place down the Hill from us that was DAB or DUB, and the beer was minerally. The beer brewing in Dortmund has fallen way off.
Export is a strength designation. I’ve plenty of export Helles and Dunkel.
In my notes I renamed this beer “Export Bier”. I am really going for drinkability but a bit maltier than the Pilsners I have been brewing lately. Drinkabilty wise, I want something like Golden Export from Gordon Biersch. I have drank a lot of that in the Atlanta airport at their restaurant. From the internet though my beer will be a bit larger and hoppier than theirs.
Interestingly, they list different ingredients for the same beer.
All Pilsner malt:
All two row malt:
So I mixed both Pilsner and 2-row pale and threw in some Munich I.