Double the size of my fermentation chamber...

I’ve been thinking about a project that could double the size of my fermentation chamber. I have a chest freezer with a temp controller on it. It works great but I need more space for carboys in it. I was thinking I could I build a three foot collar around it with doors in the front. It would include a shelf at the height of the original top and then I would move the top up to the height of the new collar. Of course it would have to be insulated. There would be logistical issues with accessing the carboys down below but it could definitely be done. The compressor would cycle more but it’s still only cooling the entire space to about 68 degrees.

Has anyone out there tried this?

You would also need a fan to circulate the cold air from the bottom chamber, similar to what folks do for keggerator collars. I think there would still be a significant temperature gradient.

I agree, but you could use this to your benefit. If you put a fan or two on its own separate temperature controller, the you could possibly maintain two different temperature gradients. You could probably put the fan in some ducts to “pipe in” the cool air to the top of the expansion chamber to help control the temps better.

Depending, you may need to rethink the heating aspect too. Its been below freezing here for a while and my heat pad really works to maintain 65º. For me that means its lager season.

Ive been contemplating a second chest freezer controller setup, but its hard to let go of $600

It sounds like it might be better to get a second chest freezer and temp controller. I purchased my current chest freezer at Costco. I think I paid about $150 for it.

Thanks everyone!

@ klickitat Jim: We are battling 70 degree temps here in San Diego today. Being too cold is not generally a problem here.

Ruff life