Dripping beer faucet

Anyone with a link to a good resource on fixing a dripping tap?

I slapped together a bar for our block party over the weekend and one of the taps wouldn’t stop dripping.  Thankfully, it was the local micro and not my homebrew on that tap.  Regardless, I’d like to get it fixed.

I used to old draft towers that I was gifted some years back, so the faucets are not new and likely need maintenance.

A quick Google search was pretty useless for this, and I assume someone here has experience.

Assuming the drip is from the faucet and the metal parts aren’t badly worn my first guess would be gaskets and/or seals being bad.

Maybe some kind of debris in the main tube or under the gasket, but a rubber seal being cracked seems more likely to me.


Looking at the micromatic website, it looks like there’s a shaft seal.

So basically, I need to disassemble and see if I can match the o-ring.

And make some tap handles.  And finish out the bar.  And put it on wheels.

All by the weekend??? Yikes!


No, we threw it together last weekend.  The tap on the right was dripping all day.

But everyone wants me to put it on wheels so we can take it around the neighborhood for other parties.

I need to get it dialed in and this will be the outdoor party bar.  No rush, but we do have some birthdays in August.

Very nice! And, it sounds like you live in a great neighborhood.

Took a look for a schematic of what the faucet looks like on the inside for you.

My first thought is that #10 could be the issue. If you’re meeting excessive resistance or “looseness” on the tap handle, #4 could be the problem.
If it’s leaking out the back, #8.
Micromatic offers them online here :

We have them as well, but micro is a few cents cheaper  :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks.  I ordered a bunch seals for I think #4 and #10 earlier this week.  Along with the crazy wrench for taking off the collar.

I’ll be tearing these down over the weekend, maybe.

That looks like a lemonade stand, only better