Dry Hefe & Lager Yeasts...Danstar

I was at the Danstar site checking out their Windsor yeast, and came across their Munich Wheat Beer yeast as well as their Diamond Lager yeast.

Any reports here on the Danstar wheat and lager yeasts?


I’ve used the Munich Wheat once. Probably won’t use it again unless I’m in a pinch. May not be fair to compare, but I was hoping for more 3068 character. Yeah. some semblance in there, but definitely NOT a close cousin. Also, as much as we struggle sometimes to achieve clarity in our beers, this is one time I presumed it would be typically hefe cloudy . . Nope. Dropped clear as a bell.  :-\  It certainly is convenient, but IMHO the flavor is just not quite there.

This has been my experience as well.  Makes a pretty good Kristaldunkelweizen. :wink: