dry hop during temp ramp down

I dry hopped a lager after letting it rise to 62F for a couple of days. Since adding the hops, I have been ramping the temp back down and am at 53F on day 4. Planning to get it to 48F by Saturday then kegging. Should I expect any less aroma by following this procedure? Not concerned, just curious.

interesting topic . i’ve done it so many ways now, and cant seem to perceive anything different conclusively. ive dry hoppped just like you outlined, and i’ve done it exclusively in the keg and at cold temps.

some swear dry hop warm is the way, others not so much. i just end up doing what works for my schedule at the time, and haven’t been disappointed any of the ways.

I do keg hop from time to time with good results so I guess I haven’t noticed any difference with temp. I didn’t really think of that.

oops…meant to post this in ‘general brewing’…

95% of the time I dry hop cold.  Works fine for me.

The more time I spend on this forum and reading various brewing articles, the more I truly believe there are A LOT of ways to make good beer. While there are some topics that have less wiggle room (sanitation, fermentation control), the other stuff…not so much.

I guess that’s a good thing though!

Not sure why I thought the changing temp might cause some sort of difference…

For the first time I am actually hoping for less of an impact from the dry hops and hoping I didn’t overdo it with 30g in a light colored lager. I don’t dry hop enough with smaller amounts to know the threshold between noticeable and not although that is probably heavily reliant on the hop type. I used sterling and crystal for the first time so I have no experience with them whatsoever.

I have dry hopped with 1/2 - 3/4 oz of Amarillo and Citra separately without any noticeable impact although my judgment was toward aroma and not flavor back then. At smaller amounts, I suppose the aroma is actually affecting the perception of flavor more.

This is your ah ha moment! There are many ways to do many things. Unless a brewer is looking to exactly duplicate some specific character, it usually comes down to what works for you. The best thing to keep in mind is WHAT you want to do and WHY or HOW an ingredient or process will do that. For example, if you dont want diacetyle (thats the what part) then the WHY and HOW can be found in several ways. Get rid of pedio, dont prematurely take the beer off the yeast, raise the temp toward the end, etc etc. You figure that out on your own based on your situation. Before having the ah ha moment, a new brewer might just find a quick answer, like doing a D Rest, and that doesn’t work… and they get frustrated…

Grasshopper, you have grasped the essence…this is exactly why Drew and I wrote one book, and are currently at work on another, that don’t tell you how to brew.  We offer you options and let you choose what works.

Well guys, I suppose I have no further comments or questions. It’s been a pleasure  :cry:

Not now, but you will…we all do!

I have been brewing for about 6 years and I am still trying to figure out which ingredients I prefer.

I’ve been brewing for 17 years and I’m maybe half way there.

I started over 12 years ago and I’ve basically given up the search for preferences. I go through phases.