I know that chilling the beer will help the pellets drop, but is there any other way? I heavily dry-hopped a beer with pellets and the hop matter is just floating there and won’t fall to the bottom.
You probably rack off the bottom, right? Leave them at the top.
Sometimes if I want my beer to be free of any debris, I’ll zip tie a knee-high stocking onto the end of my racking hose. I’ve never noticed and ill effects of oxidation.
I’ve done the same. I do like the 5 gallon paint strainer bags to contain most of it.
I normally add hops to the keg now but have had luck with paint strainer bags as Hoosier noted. Also, a gentle stir has helped to break them up and promote sinking to the bottom.
I can confirm that this works pretty ok. If the hops don’t drop on their own, they tend to drop when I move the fermenter in preparation of racking.
I use a hop bag with a sanitized stainless steel nut to weigh it down. I usually boil both the bag and the nut prior to adding hops. I have a Speidel fermenter with a wide opening so it is easy to put the bag in.