Dry hop time: how much does cold crash count?

If I add dry hops to my fermenter, then cold crash 3 days later and keep the beer cold for 3 days, does that count as 6 days of dry hopping or only 3 days? It seems to me that since the cold crashing drops all the hops to the bottom and slows down all chemical processes, the cold time should not count as much as the warm time for the hops to contribute flavor and aroma. On the other hand, the hops are still in contact with the beer and still contributing flavor compounds, just at a lower rate. How do the cold days rate relative to the warm days when tallying days of dry hopping?

I don’t think there is a right answer. Just keep notes and adjust the next time around. FWIW, I almost exclusively keg hop and start chilling the keg right away.

On an ESB recently that called for a 5-day dyhop at room temp, I dryhopped in the fermenter for 4 days at +65F and then 2 days cold crashing and it turned out fine.

Much of the time I too prefer to dry hop in the keg, especially for APA and IPA.  When keg hopping, if I plan to remove the keg hops I’ll purge headspace and let the dry-hopped full keg sit out at room temp for 3 - 4 days, and then while carbing at 34F for a few more days.

If I plan to leave the hops in the keg (in a suspended hop bag), I’ll chill and carbonate as soon is the keg is filled and hops added.

And sometimes I’ll dry hop in the primary fermenter followed by a 2nd dryhop in the keg.

I keg hop as well and agree that there is probably no right answer. The extraction time on dry hops is mostly all done in 2 or 3 days IMO @ room temp, longer in cold beer. It seems like a cop out, but trial and error to see what you like best is the best advice here.

Ive used Hoosierbrew method and advise many times with consistent results.
I adapted it to my preference a bit by dry hopping in a bag suspended by dental floss for 5 days at 60f while pressurized to desired volume c02.

Thats my $0.02. :wink:

I have always done my dry-hopping based on whatever temp my beer is stored at and do not count the cold crash.

So, if I am dry hopping for 3 days, it’ll hang out in the chamber for 3 days, then cold crash for a day or two before bottling. Haven’t had any issues with that yet.