Do most of you use pellet hops for dry-hopping or whole hops?
Personally, I prefer whole hops for dry-hopping, but it can sometimes be a pain to get whole hops into a carboy fermenger via the small neck. I usually get around this by breaking up the whole hops and forcing them into the carboy through a funnell (pushing them through w/ a sanitized stick or bottling cane).
Does anyone else have any better ideas/ways to dry-hop a beer when using carboys as fermenters?
I have a small vial of Hop Shave that came from Hop Union a few years ago. It may have been a give away at the NHC in Florida. It is real and it smells great to me although I am not sure how attractive it makes me to my lovely wife. Here’s what they say about it on the Hop Union site: “To sum up current uses we even make a hop shave that is quite nice. I like to think of it as an aphrodisiac.”
Whats the best method if your using pellets? Throw it in a muslin bag and then drop it in the 2nd fermenter just before you transfer your beer to the 2nd fermenter.
I don’t even bother transferring to a 2nd fermenter. Just, after the main fermentation and the krausen has dropped, dump the dry hop pellets loose into the fermenter.