Dry Hopping with Kveik

I’ve been lurking around here for a few years and usually can find the my answers without having to post. This time I need some help. I want to try a Kveik yeast strain for my next IPA. I’m confused on the temperature required for dry hopping (if there is one). I’ve always just done this at my standard fermentation temps but have seen a few places claiming that you need to lower the temp back into “normal” range when dry hopping and to not do it at the 90-100 degree temps I’ll be using the Kveik at. Does anyone have any real world experience with this? If I plan to DH at the tail end of fermentation this isn’t really feasible. Thanks in advance for the input.

I used a Kveik to make a Brut IPA. Did the dry hops at room temperature and it came out good.

Thanks Tom. I went with the Omega Tropical this go around but I definitely want to give a Kveik a try!

I just kegged an IPA with Kveiking that was fermented around 107 and dry hopped at that same temp. Tastes fine to me.

I made a very good IPA using Hornindal Kveik. It fermented at 75F and I dry hopped for 4 days at that temperature.

There are a lot of directions you can go with this. You can dry hop during active fermentation to get interesting flavors from biotransformation or you can go the more traditional route and dry hop after fermentation is finished. It is entirely up to you and something I encourage you to experiment with. You won’t screw up you will just figure out what you like best.

That said, I can’t see a reason to cool the temp for dry hopping. There is nothing that you will gain from that IMO.

Thanks for the input guys!! I dry hopped at room temp, crashed, kegged and everything tastes good to me! Next up I’ll be trying Kveik on a Barleywine. This might prevent me from spending $$$ on a glycol system for these South Carolina summers.