Dry Hopping

Anyone out there have a unique or creative way or “proper” way of dry hopping in fermenter or keg to keep oxidation to minimum? For years I’ve been throwing them right in. I’ve been entering competitions the last few years and started doing closed transfers and stuff. Would like some tips on keeping oxygen at a minimum when Dry hopping a fermenter and/keg

My preferred method:  get a SureScreen and fill kegs with sanitize and purge with co2,  attach co2 to the liquid out and turn on about 3-4 psi leaving on and dumping in hops.  Close transfer into the kegs with hops.  Let sit whatever your preferred amount of time.  Sometime I rouse the hops.

Then cold crash for 48 hours and jump to another sanitized/purged keg.

In fermenter (my preference,) I just dump in accepting that O2 will be inevitably introduced.  But yeast activity will scavenge/ blow out the O2.  I don’t want to do it too early or too much aroma will be scrubbed out with fermentation gas out the airlock.  I try to target when it’s slowed down with just the last few points of gravity to go.  Leave for the desired amount of time, if any, after fermentation is complete, crash and closed transfer.  If I was going to do it in a keg post primary, what blatz said (although another method of separating the hops, like a stainless cylinder, would be fine for me. I use them in fermenter so I can harvest yeast.)