Started here.
Caraway seed, shallots, and ginger blended to puree.
Quack quack quack quack quack…
Eventually i figured this much out! I had no idea what I was doing really…
Breasts, legs… remove the wings, put those into a pot.
All the remaining garbage, on 2tbsp of olive oil. By the way I ate the meat, I was hungry.
Scored the breasts. Did a bad job of it. Needs improvement.
Coated with that goop.
Went into the fridge. Skin sides of breasts weren’t coated. Keeping that in mind, look at the orientation used.
Boiling garbage and chicken stock, and water.
Figs I dried out.
Strained stock. I refrigerated it overnight, removed the fat from on top. Put it in a container, added COLD water (to not melt fat), shook and poured off. Froze the duck fat.
Legs in rack with some water in the pan. Fat drips off.
Olive oil and nasty goop I browned.
Added this and boiled until it looked like wet sand.
Then added this (notice the duck fat I later removed) and a bay leaf and boiled down to 1/4 remaining liquid, strained out.
As I said.
Strained that garbage into a sauce pot. 14 ounce Lodge cast iron butter melting pot really.
Added the figs, waited for them to plump for 2 minutes. Added butter, salt, pepper.
Fried breasts in skillet, pouring off the fat repeatedly for 20 minutes as it rendered. My bad scoring meant my breasts were still a bit fatty when I was done, instead of as crispy as I’d like.
And here’s the meat (flipped over the breasts and fried them to medium-rare in duck fat, of course… the breasts were exuding tons of duck fat, it was in the pan already).
Split the legs, sliced the breasts…
Cover with the figs and port sauce, and serve with a Pinot Noir.
Cost me about $30 overall, including a $15 bottle of ruby port.