Going to brew a Belgian Dark Strong tomorrow and I have some fig jam I made with my mother from my parents fig trees, was wondering when would be a good time to add it, for a bit of flavor, in the boil or after fermentation?
Also should I macerate the figs in a blender before use? They are cut down to small pieces in the preserves.
I’ve used figs in a BDSA several times. Once fermentation is done, I put a wok on my brewing burner and super heat it. I add the figs until they’re caramelized, then deglaze the wok with some of the beer. All of that goes into a secondary and the beer is racked on top iof it.
Yep, i just racked a batch that was in primary for 3 weeks onto carmelized figs and bourbon soaked oak chips. In a couple weeks it will go in the root cellar for 6 weeks or so.
Cool so it should be fine to put on figs in secondary for a month or two? Ill follow your lead Denny et. al. My mom was about to send me two more jars of the figs in the post so this will be plenty time for secondary.