So mt question is this. Is it against brew code or anger the brew gods to dump homebrew? Should I feel guilty about dumping beer? Under what circumstabces is it alright?
I just dumped about 3 gallons of homebrew because while it was “drinkable” it was certainly not enjoyable. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. If you don’t like it, don’t force yourself to drink it, because then it goes from being an enjoyable hobby to An Annoying Commitment.
If it’s bad then you might want to dump it. You can always brew up another batch. On the other hand, sometimes all a beer needs is a little more time. Don’t dump prematurely.
back when I earned my living as a potter, I was told not to worry about breaking something. after all, it’s only mud. you might say, hey it’s only beer. but… as said, don’t dump prematurely. there are many stories about beer that was ‘undrinkable’ but given time turned out not just drinkable but fantastic. give it time, you may be pleasantly surprised what happens.
There’s no shame in dumping beer. The shame is in drinking bad beer or trying to pawn it off on someone else. Even beer that is not infected can turn out bad, failed experiments in techniques and ingredients and such. As denny likes to quote “you only have one liver, destroy it wisely.”
I had to dump a whole carboy of soured beer many moons ago and it was painful but I learned a valuable lesson from it. They grow malt, hops and yeast everyday…so it’s time to learn from your mistake and brew more beer. The beer gods will be happy. 8)
Just like the leading reason in Texas for murder is “needed killing” [I’m serious; I heard this on the radio once], the leading reason for dumping beer is “needed dumping.” If you’re not going to drink it and don’t feel that it’s good enough to let other people drink, then by all means dump it. Otherwise, it’s just taking up serving space that could be used for good beer.
No shame in dumping beer that needs to be dumped. Didn’t you watch “Brewmasters”?
When I dump beer (mostly due to age issues cause I can’t drink nearly as much of it as I brew) - I say a little prayer to each of the barley husks that I shredded to make that beer. I thank the rain drops that fell tear like to eventually wind up in my kettle. I thank the hops for surviving downy mildew to become the bite of my brew. I thank the gluttonous little bastard yeast cells who spored, burped and peed in my suds.
And then I spray the keg out with hot water and go about my business.
I was going to ask if incense and holy beer was administered to bless the beer during it’s last rights before it passes on to be judged by the almighty beer Gods.
Sorry dude, submission deadline was a few weeks ago. Judging’s already over! Try again next year. And don’t forget the beer gods don’t accept 750ml submissions.
I’ve done something similar to this before. I had some beer that turned out slightly off, I didn’t want to drink it. It wasn’t horrible or anything. But I have a friend who just gets by with his job, buys cheap ass crappy beer to get drunk. So I gave him some of mine that I didn’t want. He was very appreciative, thought it was good. Like Keith said, there’s some shame in giving your bad beer away, but it worked out well for everyone in this case.
Actually, the incense is used during the brewing process itself.
Not kidding… I burn a stick of prayer incense every time I start a batch of brew. No particular reason except I have an imperial assload of it and now it’s a tradition.
Of course it’s all right to dump it. I’ve dumped batches that went off. I’ve dumped batches I just didn’t like…like a with that I had around for 9 months before deciding that I just didn’t enjoy it. The idea behind brewing is to enjoy what you do and what you make. If you have to force yourself to drink something, you’re negating the reason you brew.
reminds me of a batch of rootbeer i made last year. I made it with champagne yeast and totally forgot about them until one exploded in the closet so we took all of them and were throwing them against the ground some exploded and sounded like dry ice bombs and the others took off like estes rockets. I have video