On average, how much beer do you dump per year?

On average, how much beer do you dump per year?

Be honest, it’s anonymous, nobody brews perfect beer every time and sometimes you just have to make room where there is none.

If you’d like, post the reason why.

On average, how much beer do you dump per year?
  • 0 gallons
  • 5 gallons
  • 10 gallons
  • 15 gallons
  • 20 gallons
  • 25 gallons
  • 30 gallons
  • 35 gallons
  • 40 gallons
  • 45 gallons
  • 50 gallons
  • 50-100 gallons
  • 100-200 gallons
  • 200-300 gallons
  • 300-400 gallons
  • 400-500 gallons
  • 500 gallons

0 voters

I’ve only ever dumped one batch and it was half gone when I did. Had an infection which was causing acetaldehyde production to grow and become more intense over time. Once it became apple juice it had to water the trees.

Probably less than 5 gallons, but over the course of a year who knows.  I typical dump 1-2 bottles per batch that have sat around too long and get oxidized/skunky.  Don’t have the greatest storage conditions and working on improving my bottling procedure to maybe prevent the oxidation but I have a couple that go bad.

I haven’t had an unbearable infection in my 16 years of brewing. In some batches, I could determine that there were minor problems, but not to the point of dumping. One thing I’ve found over the years is that beer quality and perception can vary with time…both up and down. Beers that I initially thought should be tossed, turned out to be pleasant and interesting a few weeks or months later.

If you can afford the space to keep a problematic beer, do so. Check it over time.

I haven’t had a dumpworthy infection since I started brewing - a little luck, a lot of OCD. Years ago I dumped a couple batches of badly oxidized beer - stale, cardboard-y.  I give a lot of beer away since I drink a lot less than I did in my younger years and just love to brew. But nowadays I will dump a partial keg that might be perfectly good but I just feel lukewarm about, to make room to keg a new beer. This accounts for several gallons/year.

I don’t get many infected beers, but I do dump beers I just don’t like.

that’s more of where I’m at.  there are times when a keg just won’t kick, and there’s something awesome behind it - that’s when I’ll dump.

in ~225 batches I’ve had maybe 3-4 where maybe there was a mild infection or poor fermentation that I had to move on but that’s a good batting average for me.

Dumped two batches of sour beer last weekend.

I have only dumped beer to make room for what is new.  But I do it fairly regularly…  2 weeks ago was the most recent.

I have dumped 11 batches in the past 11 years.  11 years ago, my average batch size was 3 gallons.  Today my average batch size is 2 gallons.  Overall average was probably around 2.7 gallons.  So, I have dumped an overall average of about 2.7 gallons per year.  However, I have responded 0 gallons because I have now dumped only 1 batch in the past 4 years, and hopefully have improved both my sanitation practices (now use glass fermenters only) and recipe formulations (due to research and experience) such that I won’t need to dump any more hopefully.

So there you have my long-winded justification to go along with my brief click of the 0 number.  Not to mention, your survey didn’t break down the gallons to figures between 0 and 5.  ;D

2011 was last time i dumped a batch during consumption just because i didn’t like it- flaws. fortunate to never have any infections-just beers early on that didn’t live up to what I expected.

Less than 5, but I picked 5 because there was no “less than” function.

I’ve got two batches I could/should dump, but I’ve been using them as the “water” in my smoker or to marinate sausages or whatever.  One didn’t come out right and the other I oxidized due to stoopidity.

I’ve dumped one batch that tasted nasty but was not unintentionally infected, one spruce beer, and I’ve had two fermentations that got funky and got dumped.  Not bad for the 20+ years I’ve been brewing.

The last gallon or so in a keg I might dump if I just don’t care for the beer.  And I have no compunction about dumping a glass or bottle I just don’t want to drink.

I have way too much beer, but I also have enough kegs that I don’t typically run out of empties.  I have four new-to-me waiting to be cleaned up and put into service.

As far as glass fermenters improving sanitation, I wouldn’t put the credit on the fermenters.

Like others… I haven’t had anything that would be considered “undrinkable.”  But, I brew a lot and end up with beer that simply gets old.  I generally have “Free Growler Fills” when I know I am over supplied… but, ultimately, if I have 6-10 beers on tap, I know I am not drinking them all.  At some point, if it is not given away, if it is mediocre or old… I dump it to make room for something new or better.

In a typical year, 5 or 10 gallons (I answered 10 here).  For the most part, it’s stuff that didn’t get drank fast enough and I’m looking to clear a keg.  So, maybe a gallon or two gets dumped from 2-5 batches.  I am pretty good about cleaning and sanitation and have only had one definite infection.  That being said, last year was higher than usual since I dumped 2 5 gallon batches since I didn’t like them.  They were for the BrewUnited competition, so they were unusual recipes for style (ingredients were limited to certain things).  Also, I fermented 5 gallon batches in 5 gallon fermentors, so I don’t think there was enough head space for proper oxygenation.  The yeast was stressed and fermentation on them was not healthy enough and the beer just didn’t meet my standards.

Haven’t voted as the figures aren’t ranges. Maybe 2 gallons? I’ve only ever dumped one or two batches for off flavours or infection. More often I dump beers that are boring to free up the bottles. I usually stash a few bottles of the boring beers in long term storage to see what difference that makes. Currently have a crate of dubbels in the shed that are 3 years old but still taste like prune-flavoured beer (I won’t ever be using Special B again).

Lots. Like brewing more than alcohol. shrug  it gets old or I am ready for something else.

I usually dump one batch about every 5 years. Either thru infection, which happens to all of us, or beer I don’t like and I need the room. Cheers!

Does accidently dumping three gallons all over the brew room floor count?

In 18 years I’ve dumped maybe 4 beers.  One or two so flawed they were undrinkable and a couple with major infections of some kind that I just couldn’t force myself to drink.

I tend to force myself to drink everything I make since it was my fault and I should be punished for making it.  :-[  It makes you try harder to avoid stupid mistakes.

Like was said earlier some batches that I thought were terrible on day were pretty good when the keg kicked.


I dumped 2000 gallons this year. FTW!! (Not really my fault. It was a glycol failure).