Enjoying a Cigar on Brew Day

Hangin at the lake, smokin cigars, and brewing a bock beer.

Its a good day

atta boy!

Very nice dude.

That’s my idea of a relaxing day.  :slight_smile:


I have to remember to take a couple nice stogies to Big Brew! :slight_smile:

I have it on my list.  :slight_smile:

I had to give up the stogies a few years back, but I like it when the other guys fire em up.  Brings back memories of great cigars gone by…what is your favorite brew to drink with a cigar?

Excellent decision!

Whiskey.  Or something like an old ale or a doppelbock.  Gotta be a big beer.

Now that the weather is warming up, I can smoke 'em again.

My Oatmeal Stout was fantastic with a cigar, girlfriends Hazelnut Brown is really nice too. 
Cigars can vary as much as beers and can pair nicely with a wide range of beer depending on the strength and character of the cigar. 
That said, my favorite pairing is actually a triad. Stogie, whiskey and beer; if you have some whiskey I think you can enjoy a wider range of beers in the same sitting. You should really be sitting.

The way I like my cigars, you’ll end up sitting if you don’t start out that way.

Nice strong maduro.  Only way to go.

I haven’t smoked a cigar in years, mainly because my best friend who I used to smoke with develeoped some killer sinus problems and just can’t be around the things anymore. My fave pairing was with an Islay scotch whisky while simmering a batch of beef stew.

Although I don’t generally smoke a cigar while I am brewing I do enjoy a good cigar occasionally.  Depending on my mood it could be a beer, scotch, bourbon, or even coffee to go with the cigar.  It really depends on the type of cigar I intend on smoking.  Just another finer moment in life.  :slight_smile:

For me it is a every afternoon occurrence. In my little mancave around 4:00 a couple homebrews and a cigar. Retirement is a great life.  ;D