I’m sure it’s no great big deal, but a few things have popped up in my homebrewing adventure that I feel compelled to share!
Firstly, I joined the AHA yesterday! Wahoo!
Secondly, I will be attending my first meeting of the local homebrew club for Southeastern Massachusetts on April 12, it will be a tasting event that I plan to bring some 6 or 7 different types of my homebrew to. It’ll be the first time I’ve shared my homebrew with anyone but family and the owner of Blackstone Valley Brew Supply (my LHBS) with. Very Exciting!
Thirdly, I’ve developed 2 original recipes so far, the first of which is currently on the stove coming to a boil! It’s an American/English hybrid Oaked IIPA, the other recipe is for a Belgian Dark Extra Strong. Both recipes are posted on the Recipes forum if you care to critique them.
Fourthly, I will be visiting my local commercial brewery (hopefully) next weekend to share my brews. My stomach is all aflutter just thinking about it!
Finally, my wife and I have discussed it and if all goes well with her career and our family business I will be opening the first and only homebrew supply store in the New Bedford area within the next 5 years. (unless someone else beats me to it!)
I love homebrewing. Sometimes I feel like the hobby was made just for me!
Edit: As I was typing the last sentence my wort boiled over a bit. An unwatched pot always boils at the most inopportune time.
It’s great to hear your enthusiasm. i hope it all goes well. Homebrewing for me is much more of a lifestyle than just a hobby, and I’m sure there are lots of others here like me.
+1 It’s shaped my outlook on a number of things, particularly the DIY mentality with regard to food/drink. Also, the science behind brewing has shaped my understanding of food chemistry and other natural processes. As for social aspects, well, homebrewers are pretty much some of the nicest people you’ll meet. And I’ve found that homebrewers are a knowledgeable bunch on a wide range of subjects.
PP (I’ve just now decided to call you that) are you actually from the RI area or is your name simply a family guy reference? I’ve been wondering that for a while.
I was just saying to my wife that I started homebrewing 13 years ago this month. I still remember the excitement I felt reading my first homebrewing book. Now, I’m on the Governing Committee of the AHA. Today, I’m going to the state capitol to get my picture taken with the governor as he signs our new homebrew legislation, the most liberal in the US, which I’m proud to have had a hand in. By the end of the week, I hope to find out if an offer I’ve been made for a homebrewing book will go through. It’s a hobby that’s gone farther for me than I ever thought it would. Definitely it’s shaped my life for the last 13 years.
[quote]Today, I’m going to the state capitol to get my picture taken with the governor as he signs our new homebrew legislation, the most liberal in the US, which I’m proud to have had a hand in.
You better post that here, or no one will believe it.