So I know this is a bit morbid to discuss but I have been thinking about this recently, due to some friends close in age passing. What happens to my beer if I drop dead? I usually have a beer in some form of transition, be it primary, secondary or kegged with some form of addition to be added. I have already discussed the donation of all my brewing equipment to my local home brew club with my wife and hopefully one of my brew club buddies would finish any brews I had brewing and serve them at a party in remembrance.
I think you’ve got a great idea. Homebrew kegger funeral! Also, AQ Chicken rules! (On the coals) I long for AQ.
Just make sure it is all well labeled. Lately, I have taken to writing on strips of masking tape with sharpies, all I have in kegs, carboys, bottles, and what not. This includes embarrassing things like 5 gallon carboys that say, “2005 cyser”…but I don’t care. If I drop dead, at least folks will know what that have to deal with, and can dispatch with so accordingly.
You started it, I’ll ramp it up a bit. Put a flake of my ashes in the brew and pass it out, in bottles, at my funeral.
I can see my mash tuns going at a garage sale now - “Why does this cooler have a funky drain valve?” And “why so many taps on that fridge when you can only fit a half barrel in it?”
I’ll have to discuss with the wife but I think she knows to distribute the brewing paraphernalia and malt stores (300-400lb at any given moment) to my buddies from the brew club. As far as beers in progress, I’d probably just say pitch those. Beer thats brewed could be used at a wake/brew club meeting.
What if you drop dead from drinking one of your beers? Seems like you need some kind of system to warn people NOT to drink that one at the service.
I think half drank bottle next to a dead guy should be self explanatory
Would be fitting if it was Rogue Dead Guy laying next to him. Just sayin’.
I want a graveside toast.
Figure I’ll be past caring at that point…
But it is best to be prepared. How about a “living trust?”
Boom. I want that too.
I told my wife she has to cremate my remains and add it as a dry addition to my lambic solera and drink it all. I don’t think it’s going to happen.
I’ve talked about doing this same thing for years. I would have my sister tell all the guests what they had been drinking after the toast.
My wife would just finish the batches for me, and keep brewing on my equipment. Now, if she kicks it first, who knows.
Maybe Martin can add human ashes as an option in Bru’n Water?
Then she could make a doppelbock called “Cremator”.