Experimental Brewing Podcast 110 - Science vs Experience vs Beer

On this week’s episode - it’s time for us to get philosophical as we explore the tricky navigation of science and experiences when it comes to making beer. And we go looking at some proposed Canadian beer styles, which makes us wonder - what’s your local beer style? And Denny gets back to brewing something he loves and more!

I don’t listen to all these but the intro intrigued me. Good show. I got a chuckle out of your pronunciation of some of those beers. Better than I could do with my Southern drawl. LOL

I very wisely shunted that duty off to Mr. Conn. I mumble and drawl just enough to make anything impossible.

Being a Canadian myself, I brew American West Coast Style ales and European Lagers. So much for being Canadian… It’s what I like.

Drew always makes me do those because I have no pride and growing up in the Midwest he knows my pronunciation will be amusing. Notice how I tried to  him to do some and he wouldn’t?  :grin:

One other comment: do you think the AHA could add your Noti Brown Ale recipe to the Brew Guru app?  After you mentioned it I looked and didn’t see it there.

I’ll ask.  I’ve posted it several times in the past here on the forum, also.  And when I have a bit of time later, I’ll post a link to the Wayback version if the recipe wiki, where it still resides.

Interesting discussion about Pabst, I had wondered where this was with Miller putting the screws to them. I would hate to see them forced out.

As a home brewer and judge I enjoy a great well crafted beer.  But, once in a while, probably close to but not quite payday, I just want a cheap night out and don’t want to spend an extra $20 on craft beers. A year or two back I did a cheap beer, bar hopping night. I decided to compare some big beer commercial standards - Busch Light, Miller Lite, Coors Light and PBR (I ignored Bud/Bud Light). These are the beers that most places and a lot of dives have either always on special as tall boys or have on $2 “domestic” pint nights.  IMHO PBR was the heads up winner.  I realize it isn’t a light beer, but it by far was the best tasting cheap beer of the night.  If I am at a bar that doesn’t really have a decent craft selection or I don’t feel like paying an extra $3 for a craft beer that evening a PBR tall boy and a glass has become my go to (it use to be Bud or Bud Light, but I don’t really like it any more). Don’t hate me.

No shame, Tim!  I pretty regularly keep PBR or High Life in the fridge.  I’ll openly admit, I do like drinking them.  I am a pale-lager-centric kind of guy, mostly German, but those old school, American lagers aren’t to be dismissed out of hand.  And I use them for cooking.  Even my Helles can come across as a little too bitter for many applications.

Definitely no shame.  I have a hankering for a Coors Banquet Beer or a regular Bud every once in a while and if there is nothing else available, anyway, I will order one of those without a second thought.  If someone leaves me with a 12 pack, well, then I will end up cooking (or smoking meats)with some of it, most likely.  Cheers.  (And I have had quite a few craft pilsners that have gone the American Lager/Pre-prohibition route with no complaints from me).