Experimental Brewing podcast Episode 33


In the feedback we take a moment to not only reflect on the launch of the Brew Files, but to also remind folks about the difference between companies and people particularly when the snark is flying in podcast land.

We donated $688 to the Children’s Tumor Foundation in the name of the listeners. Thanks to Robert Allaway for the suggestion. Reminder our charity is now the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society. Let’s try and raise enough funds via Patreon to hit a cool thousand by July!

Episode 36 is an all Q&A episode - so get your questions in at questions@experimentalbrew.com (or call us at 626-761-1ALE)

In the pub, we talk Sierra Nevada’s Beer Recall from North Carolina and how Firestone Walker is switching to smaller bottles for their “special” beers Hey whatever happened to the nip?

In the library, Denny covers a timely article from Scott Janish looking at the impact of dry hopping on final beer bitterness

In the lab, we get our IGOR on and try to better understand the results that we saw in our IBU experiment. Why were some of the IGORs dead on and others way low? We talk to five IGORs about their brew day experiences and try and see is there a common culprit? Saw Hi to Kevin Kolk, Dave Matson, Ben Myton, Mike O’Toole and Jeremy Wickham.

Lastly, we swing through a super quick suggestion of a not so super quick podcast. They just dropped a six hour episode!

Just listened while bottling a Stout for NHC and Springfling, and kegging, yes kegging, two sours. Great episode. Here’s a vote for not worrying about running long. I missed the Q&A and other cut material. Had to fill the time with old Dr Homebrew.

I imagine you’ll get some blowback for the look behind the scenes with Igors. At least from those who demand perfection of identical process. But I looked at it more as confirming that you have a good representative cross cut of all home brewers. We all experience oops once in a while. Knowing what happened is cool. I for one would not criticize the oops but just include the knowledge of the oops in my assessment of the outcome

Good job to everyone involved. I wish I were one of them, but my life prevents me from being reliable, scheduling wise.

Thanks for your comments, Jim!  Drew will be happy to hear that you don’t mind longer episodes…me, well, longer episodes means more hours editing.  Keep in ind that we have all Q&A episode coming up!

We’re homebrewers and nobody does things exactly the same as anyone else.  That was the idea to talk to the IGORs about how they brew.  We wanted to give listeners an insight into those differences and how they might affect them personally.

Cool, we’re tracking

I like anything that means mroe work for Denny. :slight_smile:

The episode originally contained an interview segment with Flatland BRewing out of Fargo, but we pulled it to tighten the running time. From the feedback we’ve gotten, we’re trying to keep things between 90-120 minutes and the Brew Files to 20-40.

Yeah, if we had included the interview on that episode it would have run over 2 1/2 hours.

I don’t see anything wrong with that long of a podcast… especially when compared to Dan Carlin :stuck_out_tongue: I can always use more Denny and Drew antics.

The recent episode that Dan Carlin just released for Hardcore History was 6 hours.

Which we referenced in the podcast…but he only does it a few times a year, not every other week like us.

Just givin you crap man… we all appreciate the hard work you and Drew do for the pod!

I meant more along the lines of if people want the content they don’t care how long it is.

Yeah, but I only have so much time to edit!  A 2 hour episode can take upwards of 20 hours to put together.

DAMN… that’s quite a long time. Didn’t realize it took that long… double thanks for your hard work!

Or just get drew to shoulder some of the load. This whole he’s keeping you active during retirement thing is just plain wrong. That’s what retirement is for! Make him do all the work!

Ok, I’ve been dragging on it, but you’ve just convinced me to finally become a supporter on patreon.

We got Drew an editing rig, too, and he’s teaching himself to edit the Brew Files.

Thanks, man!  We contributed almost $1200 to charity last year thanks to our Patreon supporters!

So what you are saying is that you were crafty and made this new pod so Drew would learn, so you could pass ALL the editing on to him… you sneaky devil.

I wont tell him…

ha - he wishes… Sadly for me - I proposed BF as a way to fill the gap weeks and then volunteered myself to edit when Denny balked. In the past our work has largely been split along these lines - Denny handles all the financials/sponsorships/recording/editing/phone nonesense, I handle the episode writing/outlining, IT, questions/feedback and experiment coordination side of hte biz and we both do Social Media.

Of course, I’m slower than he is at this editing stuff and I have a massively long houred day job and commute plus other projects. (wah feel sorry for me).

SoDenny agreed to launch the second show because it’s my baby and I agreed to eidt. Now I’m using the same edit suite that he is so that if we need to swing editorial duties back and forth, I’m kinda, maybe capable in the same way that a 3 legged ox can pull a wagon.

(Having said all that if y’all have ideas for BF - let me know)