Experimental Brewing podcast Episode 35


We start with a round of feedback including a question about a potentially new style guideline and a reflection on one listener’s experiment in making Cool Ranch Beer!

In the pub, rumblings are a foot about the Return of the Wrath of Conn at this year’s HomeBrewCon in Minneapolis.  We tackle the problematic notion of “fake craft” beer and All About Beer’s newly announced policy on sexist beer names.

Over in the library, a brief look at one of Drew’s favorite malts - Maris Otter

And in the lounge it’s a twofer as we talk again with over favorite Lew - Lew Bryson about 2017’s Session Beer Day (April 7th). We encourage you to get ready for it by brewing up a batch of something “small”. And then we leave the land of the small and head back to Fargo where Drew sits down with our good friend and long time BJCP/AHA leader, Susan Ruud, at her meadery - Prarie Rose.

Quick tip comes with video evidence this time - careful when you’re degassing folks! And Denny closes us out with a PBS show all about music.